First of all, as my rhyming dictionary loves to remind me, writing good lyrics takes time and patience to master. Whether you become inspired to write a lyric or it just comes to you in the middle of the night, lyrics need to be refined and practiced in order to be "good". Now "good" is a flexible term because the quality of the lyrics all depends on your audience. Are you writing for the opening of the next concert center in your city, or for personal enjoyment?
This brings us to my second point. Self-confidence is needed in order to be a good writer. The ability to write down a couple lines of lyrics or a measure of melody and be *ok* with what you wrote the next morning is a skill that even I haven't learned yet. The important thing to remember is that no matter what you write down, you need to KEEP IT. Get a journal, take a note on your iPhone, or record it somehow, but don't just throw it away. Keeping ideas around, even if you think it's garbage, will stand as a milemarker to how far you have come as a write, and might even inspire you later on through the words that once didn't.
Finally, and most importantly, beginning song writers don't have a firm concept of chord progressions. To clarify, a chord progression is a series of music chords or notes with the goal of establishing a tonality within a specific key and is based on the succession of root relationships. Big definition right? Let's break this down in todays video, and then apply it to some popular songs so we can understand, as music writers, the fundamentals of chord progressions.
To start with, lets understand that today will only be spent discussing diatonic chord progressions. This means that all the triads and chords we will build our progression from will be within the same key. This means that if we want to make a progression in which the root, or tonic, is in the key of C, we will not find chords that are out of this key (such as Ab or Cm).
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Diatonic Chords in the key of C Major (the 2, 3, and 6 of this progression are minor, meaning that the roman numerals should have lower case (i's)) |
I ii iii IV V Vi Vii diminished
tonic supertonic mediant subdominant dominant submediant subtonic
As stated before, a chord progression is a series of of chords, so we know that in order to create a progression we're going to have to put these chords in some sort of order. But wait, is it really that simple? Well....yes. There are no set rules as to what chords follow others in a chord progression. This leaves room for creativity within compositions so we aren't constrained to a few styles of progressions. That being said, there are guidelines for deciding what chords should follow others in a chord progression.
Typically, root relationships revolved around the distances that chords have from each other. This distance is based from the interval space between the tonic (1st) note of each triad. For example, the root relationship between the (I) and the (iii) chord in the key of C Major is a major 3rd. This is because the root of the (I) chord is (C), and the distance between it and the root of the (iii) chord, (E), is a major third.
These types of relationships form strong connections between chords. In classical music the relationship between the (V) and the (I) chord is important in the context of many cadences. A cadence is a harmonic configuration which gives the phrase of music a sense of resolution or pause. Another relationship in chord progressions that can be heard is the (IV) to (I) cadence, which is often displayed in Church Music as the "A-men" phrase at the end of a prayer.
Lets now apply this to a song that I am currently singing in my Concert Choir.
*Note: This piece is in the key of E Major*
The focus of this picture is the cadence that occurs at the end of the crescendo ("home"). As a baritone, my line goes from an (E) to a (B), which is a 4th interval. But look at the other parts. If we connect the notes that the composer spread throughout the voice parts, then we end up with a (E6) and a (B) Chord. The relationship between these chords is a 4th, but because the piece is in E major this transition is from the tonic chord (I) down to the Dominant (V) if gives the phrase a sense of continuation. Instead of simply ending the phrase and moving on to the next musical idea, this composer decides to create anticipation within the music that brings about the main focus of the piece.
Let's now look at the opposite within the same piece.
This is a measure from a later section of the piece in which a cadence is used to end the phrase. Here, the notes I sing in the bass line still have the 4th relationship. The two chords (A6) and (E) also share this relationship. Now if you think about the two cadences we've looked at so far, you'll notice they they both incorporate movement in 4ths. But in the first cadence a 4th is used to introduce a new phrase by going down in tonal movement from the tonic to the dominant, while the second moves down from the subdominant to the tonic. By returning to the tonic chord it brings the phrase to a sense of closure, allowing the music to shift focus or enforce another idea.
So through these examples we see the affect of movement between the chords. Movement away from the tonic, or any chord really, can have different affects on the music depending on if they're moving up or down the diatonic scale. Through this method, ideas in the music can be expressed as transitions or closing statements, all while using the same relationships between the chords.
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions about the concept of root relationships and movement let me know by commenting on the post below!
Sincerely, ZS
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